
         There is not much of a difference on what school districts receive more money. Schools receive money for having higher achieving and by having parents’ participation. Gov. Pat Quinn says "In Chicago, it takes a neighborhood to raise a child, and we now have an opportunity to take matters into our own hands and provide students in every ward with the technology tools necessary for success in an increasingly digital world." The school that has the most computers is on the north-side of Chicago; nevertheless, they’re the ones with the most parent involvement.              
Chicago public school do not have a detail budget about how the schools can use the money they receive for technology. Most principals are looking at what the school needs more than technology. Technology is usually the last thing principals are looking at. Nevertheless, The Board of Education that 22 million dollars, go to funds that pay for new wiring, computers and equipment, Internet access, and fire alarm system upgrades. The amount of state revenue that each school district receives is based on a complex formula that considers the number of students, special needs of the district, household income levels and many other factors. The state legislature determines this formula.        
“The I-Connect Initiative would provide laptop computers to every Illinois seventh grader in public school by closing a long-standing loophole in the Illinois tax code which allows retail merchants to pocket 1.75% of the state sales tax collected by retailers as a collection commission.” (I-connection) Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn, proposed the I-Connect in 2005. Governor Quinn is still trying to make this come true. He has come across many obstacles that have not yet allowed for this to happen. The main obstacle is money.             Nevertheless, there has been many school who have received laptops from the now Governor Pat Quinn. “The Children's Low-Cost Laptop Act calls on the Illinois State Board of Education to administer a pilot project that would allow up to 300 elementary schools in Illinois to receive grant funding for low-cost (under $400) laptops. Support for professional development (teacher training), school infrastructure readiness and laptop repair are accounted for in the bill.” (I-Connect)          To get the laptop in your school is hard than most people think. Everywhere I looked I found no actual way to get ask for a grant to be able to obtain these laptops. I am guessing I have to contact the Gov. Quinn office. I did this, they told me, and I must ask my principal about writing grants. The person on the phone told me that most school in Chicago who has laptops is because they fundraise for them.          The majority of schools receive money for technology through grants. There are many grants out there. To ask for a grant is not easy. Illinois State Board of Educations has many grants for technology. The grants are difficult to write; nevertheless, it can be done. As teachers we want the best for our students so we must do what it takes to help them. http://www.isbe.state.il.us/curriculum/elearning/default.htm          
School vouchers, also known as scholarships, redirect the flow of education funding, channeling it directly to individual families rather than to school districts. This allows families to select the public or private schools of their choice and have all or part of the tuition paid. Scholarships are advocated on the grounds that parental choice and competition between public and private schools will improve education for all children. Vouchers can be funded and administered by the government, by private organizations, or by some combination of both.         
      Many people worry that a free market approach to schooling, even with vouchers or scholarships for low-income families, would have negative effects on education. They it is not fair, to give some students the opportunity while leaving the other behind. These people would like to this voucher money go back the public education system.      


Impact of Technology on students Physical, Social and Cognitive Development

   According to a journal published by NASPA in 2007, a study was conducted to explore students technology use and its relationship with psychosocial development. The study showed that students who used technology more for entertainment purposes rather than educational ones, suffered academically. Also those students were less healthy than the students that used everyday technology more for academic purposes. There isn’t much information on the impact of technology on student development, but many people believe that easy access to the internet takes away from students time to study, or interact face to face with friends. Many children would rather stay at home and play on the computer than go outside and play, increasing health issues. Also since they are more comfortable on the computer, it makes it harder for students to actual be themselves in the outside world, which in turn makes it harder to make friends and be social. Parents are now more concerned about their children when they are on the computer all day.   With all the new toys for children, like computer games, Wii, playstaion, along with many others, children don't play with their friends like they used to. They stay indoors all day long watching tv,chatting online, or playing videogames.


    There are all sorts dangers on the internet and parents are becoming more aware and alert of them.  Cyberbullying is when a child or teenager is threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or targeted by another child using the internet, email, or text messages. Cyberbullying includes a minor on both sides. Children have killed each other due to cyberbullying, and some have even committed suicide because they couldn’t handle it anymore. Cyberbullying is spreading just as quickly as technology. A bully can torment a child at any time of the day or at night time. There are many ways to prevent this from happening to your child, and one of them is by teaching them to stand up for themselves. There are many websites online that help parents catch cyberbullying and show ways to prevent it from happening. 

Website and Videos on Cyberbullying